Thursday, January 31, 2008

Chapter 18

Tunnell, Michael O. and James S. Jacobs. Children's Literature, Briefly. 4e. Upper Sadle River NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008.

I've always loved reading and I'd often heard people say that reading a book was much more stimulating than watching TV. I had never given much thought to that idea, until I read Madeleine L'Engle's explanation of "creative involvement". That makes so much sense. When I watch TV, it's just the pictures on the screen and I follow along with the storyline. But, when I read a book (even a good textbook) I not only follow along with the storyline, I actually get involved with the words. My imagination begins to work it's magic and I am absolutely drawn into the story. What an epiphany!

This was a great chapter! The information on using trade books in the classroom and teaching approaches were eye opening!

1 comment:

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Janie: first, it was cool to meet your grandson today. You've got to be one of the coolest grandmas for pulling him out half day from school to get to meet with and listen to authors talk about their work. Gutsy, and very creative. And, thanks for going to it yourself. I hope you enjoyed yourself, learned some, bought enough books, etc. Will you write up a short review of what all you did/learned/etc. as part of your blog?