Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Minn and Jake, p. 75-146

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.

What an entrepreneur Jake turns out to be; I knew he had to have some kind of secret talent. He does a great job of manipulating Minn.

Friendships, like all relationships, go through stages and changes. It's heartwarming to experience the way in which Janet Wong takes Minn and Jake from strangers to advisaries to best friends.

After studying the illustration of Minn dangling from the tree, I went back for a look at the other illustrations. Boy, I miss a bunch when I get caught up with the reading. The illustrations are great. I liked Jake's shadowed animals and his lizard dreams, but I especially liked the lizard clouds and lightening. In the future, I will be more observant.


Anonymous said...

i know what you mean! It's hard as an older reader to sit and study the pictures as you would a child. I think we have just become accustomed to seeing everything in our own imaginations. But it is also great to see what the illustrations cook up, especially the shadow page where Jake sees everyone as a different animal.

Nikki said...

I did the same thing with the pictures. Sometimes it takes going back a second time to notice all of the details! Did anyone else notice on the back of the book the lizard Minn and Jake are walking on is in the shape of the world??? Kind of saying they are exploring the world through their experiences...Maybe it was just me!

Aspiring Teacher: said...

I also missed all the pictures. I have worked in the technical field for so long that I am not used to seeing any pictures. I need to start looking at the pictures, so that I can at least try to keep up with the observant eyes of children.