Monday, January 21, 2008

Minn and Jake, p. 1-74

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.

What a great idea Jake has, looking at people as animals. I'd tried seeing them naked, but that was gross. The next time I'm nervously in front of a group of people, I'll imagine them as animals.

I can relate to Minn. My true best friends (I have 2) and I "broke up" at least once a week. It's a bit easier when you have 2 true best friends; usually we'd gang up on the other and so only one of us was left out. But, when you're the ONE, it was soooooo lonesome and you walk around with a sad face; hoping they will feel sorry for you and forgive you for whatever you did or didn't do.

When I first started reading Minn and Jake I thought, "Oh no, it's some kinda poem", because of how it was written. After reading the first few pages, I realized it wasn't a poem, and I began to appreciate how it was written. It was interested how Janet Wong chose to write this. I thought it made reading a bit faster and the story seemed to have a nice flow. I especially liked the way she italized statements and converstations, instead of using quotation marks.

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